One of the biggest contentions even among Christians and different denominations; and even sometimes a rift under one roof of God’s house; the question of the godhood of Jesus. This isn’t going to be a long post, because there just isn’t very much to be said. It all comes down to this:

“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father but through Me.” and “If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.” – He was claiming outright to be God himself in the flesh, God Jesus; Christ Jesus; the Father, the Son; and he lives on in us today as the Holy Spirit. So the answer, you see, is a resounding Yes. Why? Because you are Christian, the answer is Yes … now, looking at this all rationally, you have two options. Either Jesus of Nazereth was the most insane person ever - thus those religions that call Jesus a prophet cannot also say he was a good man, no man claiming to be God is good. That means either he’s the most crazy person in history, or the worst of all liars, or …

Jesus is exactly who he said he is. And every word he ever spoke was the end-all-be-all Truth. Simple, right?


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